Women Hoodie Dress have drawstrings covering design


When inserting a design to the Women Hoodie Dress, the 2 drawstrings on the hoodie blocks part of the design. Is it possible to remove the drawstrings so design display 100% for the customer to view?

We want the customer to know exactly what it will look like. So if there are drawstrings, then this should be shown to the customer.
The detail view of the designs then shows the designs without the drawstrings.

But that is not the case. In the mockup image, the drawstrings are over the design. In the Product Review, it still shows the design over the drawstrings. Not a realistic view.

Just so I understand you correctly. In the second image (the detail image) you would like to have the design show without the drawstrings under it. Correct?

HI, in your example there are no drawstrings with the design only. With the woman hoodie dress, the strings are being shown on the design only. It does not appear as your example.

Can you send me the link to the product in your shop please? I can’t seem to re-create.

Please see the link:


OK, I understand. The “normal” image (the one the customer sees first) shows the design with the drawstrings on top. The detail image (instead of simply showing the design without a product) is showing the design on top of the drawstrings. I have passed this feedback along to our developers who will have a look at this issue in 2021.