URGENT! Embedded shop menu not showing properly

I really need some urgent help as I’m about to release my shop live to my users, I’ve sent an email to support, but can’t wait any longer for reply.

My embedded shop is not showing properly the drop down menu and this is a great concern, I need help with this issue ASAP.

Link to my embedded shop.

Please help me.


You can try to add this CSS Code in your Shop CSS.

.SprdMain .sprd-department-filter__menu {
min-width: 200px !important;

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Hey thanks, this helped for the menu, but also my basket is not showing properly, what would be a css for it?

Actually I kinda fix it the similar way of adding css .SprdMain .sprd-basket__dropdown {
min-width: 400px !important;

but would like to know if there’s a better solution to this.

It seems that the menu doesn’t open on mobile devices (tested with Chrome). But yesterday, when I tested the code, it still worked. Maybe there is a conflict with the new code you added.

You can try to play with % instead of px.

is this now working or do you still need help?