Sample Price not showing in Checkout

The Sample price for us to buy and check out products before launching is not marking down the price at the checkout.

Can this please be addressed as we were told in the first email reply that we’re not the only ones with the issue. (pasted below)

Hello Chris,

Thank you for your email.

I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with our site.

I just had that issue with other partners too.

Please review the following points before proceeding:

  • Try deleting cookies and the cache-folder of your browser.
    If there’s too much data accumulated, it can hinder our plug-ins.

  • Using a different browser (Opera, Firefox, Chrome) could also help.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.


Spreadshop Service - powered by Spreadshirt

I’ve tried Edge, Chrome and Firefox…

Please address urgently so we can purchase our items and launch them.

Hi @Haunted_Scouse,
thanks for reporting this! You can order samples via the partner area (as I explain in this video but you probably already know this :smiley: ). When you put your samples in the basket, the systems sometimes shows the customer price, not the base price. Horribly confusing I know - but when you go to the checkout you should see the base price.
I hope this helps, if not, get back to me! :nerd_face:

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