RSS Feed Images are Choosing Wrong Colours


Our feed images for logos with two colours are just coming out all white.

This seems like a bug to me:

Example image from RSS feed:,width=1000,height=1000,appearanceId=2,crop=list,modelId=37,version=1534415710.jpg

This is how the logo should look with the coloured center: Buy Kitesurfing Organic T-Shirts and Hoodies | Free Kitesurfing Magazine Online | IKSURFMAG

The RSS feed is here: shop [dot] spreadshirt [dot] co [dot] uk/iksurfmag/products.rss

We are using images from <g:image_link></g:image> tag. I am using item id: 5bae090c222509641743b200_20_2 as an example. But they are all wrong if there are two colours on the design.

Hope someone can shed some light here.

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We are investigating this! Thanks for reporting.

We´ve found a bug that caused this error and fixed it!
Can you confirm?

Somehow I did not get notified of your reply Thomas so sorry for the late reply.

But yes things are looking good on first check:,width=1000,height=1000,appearanceId=4,crop=list,modelId=458,version=1534748418.jpg

Will check the rest of the feed today.

Many thanks super speedy fix!