"page not found" but the page *is* found and working

Hey there - I’ve had a problem with the embedded/wordpress plugin shop ever since I installed it.

The plugin works, my shop shows up just fine - but the address tab has always said “page not found”, so it looks like the page is not working when I post a link.

I hope that makes sense. People won’t click if they think the link isn’t working.

The usual fix isn’t working (editing meta & slug info). How do I fix this? Is it something in CSS? I don’t know how to edit that. Help.

Once the shop is embedded, it is no longer possible to access it through the original link.
You can remove the embedding, or simply use your own website to promote the shop.

I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you’re trying to tell me. Maybe I was unclear, it’s only the page with the embedded plugin showing the ‘not found’ text on the page tab. I’m not finding anything in the usual Wordpress page code / meta areas indicating a reason for this. Ergo, odds are it’s something related to the plugin itself. I was hoping someone else had had this same issue & there was a fix. If what you’re saying is that everyone using the plugin has this problem, then that seems really not good.

You are right, I misunderstood the issue. Sorry!

If you write to partner@spreadshirt.com, we will forward the issue to our technical support. We would need a bit more information about your account and the plugin you use.

I hope you can also get advice from other forum users :crossed_fingers:

I solved this problem by creating a new page for each topic.

But I’m having trouble with the deeplinks working properly.