Open product from basket page links broken in customized js integration

I used the javascript plugin to integrate my shop in my website, and then removed the hashbangs with the correct .htaccess file.
But now, when we click on a product in the basket, it will redirect to the Spreadshirt website (example) and then redirect back to my shop but adding the hashbang again, so the user is redirected to the main page and not to the clicked product!

True. Have th same problem with that concept since day one. It could be a conversion killer and a trust killer. At the last step of the conversion! As customer i want back to the product detail page when i click on an product in the checkout and not to another shop (Spreadshop), which grabs my conversion and kills my page trust.

Greets David

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Hi, I had the same issue, by using the plugin, therefore I switched back to the Java-Script implementation, but with this approach the #! is back again.
Any known solution?

see “usePushState”

I need to dive deeper here for clarification:
@Berliner_Original & @NoNaked
Did you both use the official WP Plugin in combination with the “Optimize URL” feature?
Or did you use a manual pushstate set up, plus a manual htaccess setting?

If the error occurs, I need to know the exact clickpaths, since I cannot reproduce this behavior.
I could see the error at the “watchmenot” shop basket page

Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your answer.
I don’t use the WP plugin, only the javascript code with usePushState=true and pushStateBaseUrl=‘WatchMeNot!’

allright. I just needed to make sure it´s not a PlugIn related issue here.

The Pushstate usgae is an advanced feature which the shop technically supports but we cannot give support regards further htaccess settings of your webpage.

Let´s see if David or lovetee can come up with a solution for your problem.

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Problem still present, clicking on a basket product will redirect to the home page and not to the article page.

You answered it’s a PushState specific problem but I didn’t receive any solution so far.

I didn’t write anything “crazy” in my .htaccess file, so I’m wondering if it’s not a global problem that other users using pushState=true may encounter too…

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