Need help with designs

Is there a way to replace a design without have to delete it and having to redo all the products tags and title, and description?

Also, how do I change the product that I sell on? Without having to go 1 by 1 to each design to change it.
I have about 200 designs. And I put them all on all shirts.
But now I’ve decided to just put it on only about 10 shirts.
SO how can I change the items it’s one all at once? Or do I have to go one by one to and change them?
AT least template would make it easier.

(1) replace a design?No.

Designs go each through an approval process that involves legal terms.
If you want to add a new design, you need to upload it newly and have the process itself.

(2) change design products?Yes.

There is the template function that you find:

  • Designs
  • choose a design
  • product selection
  • product templates
  • With “Save selection as template” you can save the one you see and apply it later to other designs.

Was I able to help you with this information?

#1) I already past the waiting days for approval. Now it’s like 5 minutes for it to be approved for the market place. And instantly for my store.

#2) I’m talking about changing the design products all at on time. Instead of having to go through hundreds of them and apply the templete1 by 1. on hundreds of them.

#1) ok, good - that’s fast. However there is no option for us to allow you replacing an already uploaded design. Uploading each will apply the needed process to any design you want to share.

#2) Thanks for clarifying. “Templates” is the maximum bulk solution we provide at the moment. We cannot provide another way than doing it manually, I’m afraid.

#1. It can be made where we still have to go through the whole approval process.

#2. They should make it like when on the design page, where we can check mark the box. And than apply our templates.
Like the way we can add up to 5 new item to many designs at once.
This way it will save a lot of time. It would save me hours.