:spreadshop: Joomla Plugin - New version available

Today we have released an update on our current Plugin for Joomla CMS. It contains general improvements and some changes within the pre-defined available settings.

You can find it here:

Hi is there a way to remove the SpreadShop titel on my joomla website? When I use the plugin there is a spreadshop titel in the top left corner.

Can you clarify this by posting an example link here or by pasting a screenshot?
This would help us a lot.

Looks like this comes from a H1 setting within the Menue Entries.
We are not able to dive deeper into your setup without access to your account.
Can you search for a setting that is responsible for the title?

Hi, I was just trying to install the Joomla Plugin. When I did, it linked me to a spreadshirt.com page, where I would have to login. My logins for this or the shopsite wouldn´t work there, But there was also no way to create an account.
Is there a link to any tutorial for the joomla plugin?

I see you have a European account. can you please send me the link of the registration window at spreadshop.com, that is opened for you?
Maybe our website is offering you to login on our *com platform instead of the EU version.

In general you do not need to be loged in at spreadshop or your shop’s admin section to install and use the Joomla Plugin.
You only need to add your ShopID and some URL settings.

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This is hardcoded in the file:


What is with Joomla 4, when comes an update?

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Yes, also working on Joomla 4 now - thanks for sending an info, if the plugin is working in the new version also.

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I get in frontend:

Sorry, there was a problem we could not recover from.

The server returned a “500 - Whoops, looks like something went wrong.”

Fatal error: Class SpreadShopModelSpreadShop contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\ItemModelInterface::getItem) in /www/htdocs/…/…/components/com_spreadshop/models/spreadshop.php on line 18

And in the Backend:
500 behavior::tooltip not found.