Integration Customerly

Hi ! I was looking for integrate Customerly to my spreadshop but it doesn’t seem to work. It is the live chat on the corner right that is used to help people. The app told me to copy and paste this code before the closure of the body tag :

<!-- Customerly Live Chat Snippet Code -->
     !function(){var e=window,i=document,t="customerly",n="queue",o="load",r="settings",u=e[t]=e[t]||[];if(u.t){return void u.i("[customerly] SDK already initialized. Snippet included twice.")}u.t=!0;u.loaded=!1;u.o=["event","attribute","update","show","hide","open","close"];u[n]=[];u.i=function(t){e.console&&!u.debug&&console.error&&console.error(t)};u.u=function(e){return function(){var;return t.unshift(e),u[n].push(t),u}};u[o]=function(t){u[r]=t||{};if(u.loaded){return void u.i("[customerly] SDK already loaded. Use customerly.update to change settings.")}u.loaded=!0;var e=i.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript",e.async=!0,e.src="";var n=i.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];n.parentNode.insertBefore(e,n)};u.o.forEach(function(t){u[t]=u.u(t)})}();
           "app_id": "My customerly id for my spreadshop"
<!-- End of Customerly Live Chat Snippet Code -->

I hope i don't have to put my spreadshop under a wordpress... I don't want to redo the all website

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