Deeplink to designer tool etc

Hi there,

Can you please help with the url for deeplinking. I saw this article: Deep Links Design Tool - The Spreadshop Blog, bur it did not work for me.

  1. I would like to link direct to the designer tool of my webste:
  2. i would like to have the possibility to link direct to a) a specific article b) specific subject

Best Regards


Hi, you can just go to the Design-Tool, create the product with the design you want and then use the share button on the right top:

Thanks for your answer. Your suggestion is one way to link to the designer tool, but my first question was can it be done since i have my own domain. Something like this: Integrated Shop example: Amorphia Apparel | Customize a Shirt
Second question was: Can i deeplink to a specific topic for example “dogs” url have to start with my domain



Also with an integrated shop it works with the share button:

As far as I could see you haven’t created any topics in your shops at the moment. You can create them in the Shop Settings under “Pages > Topics”. Afterwards it should be possible to link to them also in your embedded shop.

Hi Frank,

No it does not work for me with an integrated shop. “Page not found”
"As far as I could see you haven’t created any topics in your shops at the moment. " I have a lot of topics what do you mean? Once again maybe i was not clearly. 1) If i want to link (deeplink) to a topic “dogs” (honden in dutch), what is the url ? 2) If i want to link (deeplink) to a certain item in that topic “dogs” , what is the url ? I hope it is all clear now.
Best regards, Denzel

Can i please get a solution.

Hi, sorry.
I forgot to come back to this issue.
I can’t find a topic “honden” on your website sorry.
Could you please give me a link to the topic or sth else so I can look up sth concrete.
Thanks a lot.


Can i dm you because i don’t want to expose my website for the prublic right now?


Yes of course, but I’m on vacation for the next two weeks, sorry.

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