Create a Prenium account

Is it possible to think about a premium account and have for possibilities about our spreadshop :

  • more figures about customers
  • url without “shop.spreadshirt”
  • better view on the market
  • personalize our shop
  • more design import per day and less for the regular account
  • more than a design per product
  • have differents accounts for a shop and share the money
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Yes, it is possible to think about that and we already had a similar approach in the past.
We then released the Spreadshop features for everyone as we did not want to limit our shop owners to the ammount they could affort to pay.

Great feature suggestions, btw.

Is this something our devs could give some insights to? @emptycages, @sprd-sebastian?

Some of the stuff is already possible at the moment. You can create a google analytics account and link your shop to that account. That way you should get some insights into your traffic. Just check the “Web Analytics” Section in your shop settings:

You can also have the shop on your own domain. Currently the only supported solution is to use the “JS integrated Shop” - see

And you can always personalize your shop with custom CSS :wink:

I understand. Why not add more possibilities with how much the shop sell.
Advance sellers can have more features.

I thougt more like wordpress, having every thing in your home page and for first account, the url is with “spreadshirt” and for advance sellers, url without it.
I prefere having everything on the same website instead having my website + my spreashop + my analytics + …
but it’s just my point of view.

Easy to answer :smiley: more possibilities = more features = more complexity = more options to break = more developer efforts.
Seriously: We have a well equipped roadmap of feature wishes which are somekind of similar to your requests. For example, the ownstanding URL thingy is in discussion.
Of course we are willing to fulfill most of our shop owner requests, but we also need to keep an eye on our strategic development and the business cases.

Stay tuned!