Connecting FB Pixel - Troubleshooting

Hi everybody,

I searched but didn’t find anything about it, so sorry if this is a repost :slight_smile:

I want to integrate the FB pixel within my shop.
I put the ID in the spreadshop settings but when I check the activity : the Google chrome add-on FB pixel helper didn’t find anything.

So I manually added the FB pixel code in the header to see if there would be any changes and yes, the FB has activity now. It’s even tracking different events, which is very cool!

Am I doing it right?
Because when I check again with the FB pixel helper, there’s an error in the homepage of my shop :
The pixel is detected but the event has a warning message.


We detected event code but the pixel has not activated for this event, so no information was sent to Facebook. This could be due to an error in the code, but could also occur if the pixel fires on a dynamic event such as a button click.

Has someone ever installed the pixel successully? I mean, could you track it right?

hey there!

We´ve made the installation of a FB Pixel tracking as simple as possible.
Of course it is required to set up the pixel correctly within FB. It is important to use the “Manual Set Up” process if you are running a standalone shop.

Here´s how:
Copy & paste the PixelID (nothing more!) into the form field in the Web Analytics section of your Shop.
That´s it! :slight_smile:

Integrated Shop - when running your shop within a website:
If your shop is embedded into a website, you can paste the complete FB code snippet into the website’s header section. Save & wait a bit. Then execute some shop events.
(For WordPress Users there´s a Header & Footer customization plugin available, that eases the copy&paste work)

Please make sure, to only use one of the methods at one time. This is to prevent the the pixel to be fired twice per event. Which would definately double up your tracking results :wink:

The Chrome FB Helper, sometimes responds a bit too slow. Reloading the page does the trick, or triggering several events also helps.


Hi Thomas,
Thx for the quick reply :slight_smile:

I followed your recommandations and everything seems ok.

I saw that there are some event already created but no “purchase” event.
Will I be able to track sales and values even if I don’t have a dedicated event?

yep! when a customer places a purchase, the event will be visible.
You can see all trackable events in your pixel manager:

Within the Pixel Statistic section, you´ll find a link “Show Analytics” (probably on the left side of the screen) Awesomeness awaits you there. All Infos regarding your community page stats and shop event tracking :wink:

oh great,

thx for your time Thomas :wink:

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