Changing the colour of a design on a product

On my old shop when I had a design, I could create a product and choose the design colour.

Now my existing designs are all set as one colour. I tried uploading a new design in black and I can only create a product with that as the design colour.

Is there now way to select design colour or do you now have to upload the same design file over and over in different colours? I would have thought not as thats a huge backwards step.

Is there a solution to this? Overall the new setup is so much worse than before!

We´re sorry that you don’t feel comfortable with the “new” User Interface.
But I am sure you´ll be loving that the print color can still be adjusted, if you upload a vectorfile (*.svg or any other)

Go to your design settings, select the product you wish to edit and change the design colors as you like in here: 22%20AM

I have to agree, I can’t find anything anymore! I don’t have any options for “edit design” when I go to the design page. I clicked on “designs” in my left sidebar, and it took me to a list of all of my designs. I found the design that I want to edit, and I click on the > for that design. That takes me to a page where I can edit the “more details”, the “product selection”, and the “sales channels”. Nowhere is the option to change the design, the product color, the print areas, etc.

I really miss the ability to pick one particular product, either upload a design or enter text, and choose the color of the text and the front or back. Now it seems that we have to upload a graphic whether we want text or not, and it’s set to one color for all products and it’s set to the same location on all products. I can’t just create individual products with the same design in different colors or print sizes or print locations.

These are the steps to follow to do exaczly what you would like to do.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-23 um 09.15.59

Indeed you can only upload graphics and no longer add text.

All other features are available :slight_smile:

This shows how to design a new product but how do I edit and existing product?

Hey @redemptionchurch please find the answer in this conversation: Editing an existing product - #2 by Cindy-Spreadshop