Catalog Feed - Quantity Missing

I’ve set up a shop in Meta Commerce Manager for Facebook and Instagram. I’ve added the catalog using the push feed URL. All looks good except the shop on instagram shows all items out of stock. The feed says ‘in stock’ but they are also looking for quantity and that doesn’t seem to be in the feed. How can this be fixed?

I am experiencing the same problem. I was told by support that you cannot actually sell products in your Facebook or instagram shop and it is just a means to advertise that you sell products elsewhere. I came here hoping someone else had been successful because that just seems crazy to me.

I had the same issue since June and fixed it two weeks ago. It was buried in a support doc. Go into Meta Business Manager > Commerce > Catalog > Data Sources > Settings > Add Rule > select Field: quantity_to_sell_on_facebook and add a set number. I put 100 in just to be sure and it’s been working perfectly now.

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I answered this in the main question and I was stumped for months and found it in line in support after being told they don’t do this and that and read the docs. I had the same issue since June and fixed it two weeks ago. It was buried in a support doc. Go into Meta Business Manager > Commerce > Catalog > Data Sources > Settings > Add Rule > select Field: quantity_to_sell_on_facebook and add a set number. I put 100 in just to be sure and it’s been working perfectly now.

Hi, how can I get a catalog please? Can I print one, or pdf? Regards

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