Base pricing differences

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere but after hours of searching I cannot find the answer. It’s possibly something I’m overlooking but I can’t seem to find the base costs of the clothing. If I select ‘Mens t-shirts’ for a particular design it doesn’t tell me any pricing differences between the ones available. Best sellers, trends, organic etc.

I just want to be able to offer the cheapest option to customers at this time.


Hi @Sharkfat,

In order for me to provide you the base prices (we currently do not have a page that lists all prices - but we’re working on that :slight_smile: ) it would be great to know: would you like to know the shop product base prices with or without affiliate commission? And in which currency would you like to know them?

Hey thanks for the reply.

I would like to know them in pounds without the commission please. When I choose the cost of the design it gives me the other pricing info, but I don’t know what the different item prices are to start with.

Hope that makes sense

Here you go - click on

Type in following shopID: 100308488
Select Locale: en_GB
and Prices incl. Taxes: :heavy_check_mark:
Platform: net

You can then download a PDF with all base prices :slight_smile:

That’s awesome Lena, thank you!

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