Setting spreadshop as home page in Wordpress

Is it possible to set spreadshop as home page in Wordpress.
Normally, you can go to Reading Settings and choose Static page as homepage and select a page from there.
But the Spreadshop page doesn’t show up on that list.
Is there anyway to do it?
I am building a Wordpress site around the shop and want the shopfront to be first thing visitor sees.

To be honest, there is no simple way without coding.
Most WP themes known to me, don´t allow custom code within their settings (except for some html/css).

Running a shop on your own domain comes with some nice benefits, like landing page building and having your own custom branding, but you´ll also face some disadvantages. Makign the Shop your start page easily, is one of them.

Thanks Thomas, what are the other disadvantages?

I am a Spreadshop promoter, so I can hardly speak about disadvantages :smiley:
But to be honest there´s some minor flaws compared to an ownstanding shop, but most of them can be solved through workarounds.
For example the URLs of embedded shops carry a so called hash-bang #!. This causes errors when linking from Instagram to single products within your shop. But linking your shop in general is still possible.

I love both ways of running a shop. The integration in an own website allows more branding, more link building and experimenting with additional services.
The ownstanding shop makes life a bit easier, as you do not have the hassle of maintaining Wordpress and twiddling with plugins.

Hello Thomas,

I have my Spreadshop embedded in my HTML website. I am thinking of changing to a CMS, but I remember there were some issues in the past. (used to have it in Joomla)

The plugins weren’t updated back then, so I wonder, what is the status now?

  1. Would you recommend Wordpress or Joomla?
  2. Is changing country/language still a problem in the plugins? I made 6 different pages in my HTML now, to serve 6 different languages. Hopefully I don’t have to take care of that anymore in a CMS. When I had my Spreadshop in Joomla, I could only select one language/country.

Kind regards,

AJ ( )

Hey AJ!

We are going to release a fresh version of our current WordPress Plugin within a few weeks. Right after that we are working on a Joomla, Drupal & Wix solution. Goal is to have them live within Q2.
This will probably help you with your decission which CMS you´d like to use.
But for now, you can use the WP-Plugin rightaway.

Independent from that you can have the same result by simply including our javascript code snippet into one of your pages. That is somehow identic to what the plugin does.

  1. I´d personally would recommend to go with Wordpress, as it is one of the most used CMS out there, coming with a huge libary of plugins, helpers and more important: documentations and tutorials.
  2. Unfortunately, embedded (integrated) shops do not have the option to switch languages. If you want to support more langugages, you´ll need several shops :frowning: this won´t be solved with changing the plugin.

Thank you for your answer Thomas. I was afraid of your 2nd answer. My main target is the Netherlands, but I also wanna serve other countries. If I set my shop to NL, other countries can’t read it. If I set to UK, everyone can read it, but NL customers probably won’t buy, because they see an English e-mailaddress and phonenumber in the footer. Another important thing is payment options. If I buy online, I always check the footer of the site if it has iDeal option. Spreadshirt has that option, but it doesn’t show in the footer when it’s set to another country.

Idea 1: Isn’t it possible to make the footer more international in General? For example: Replace the phonenumber and e-mailaddress by a contact-icon, which links to a contactpage where you can put all countries contactdetails. (space enough on a full page)

Idea 2: When you replace email and phonenumber by an icon, there will be enough space to add more payment options and shipping methods in the footer.

Language in English is not a problem, that won’t have to change.

Kind regards, AJ

Yes it does actually - I just tested it!

You can test it yourself: and change the Language to Dutch in the Footer!

On mine, It actually doesn’t. If the plugin is set to UK for example, you can not switch to NL. That only works if the shop is not embedded. In my HTML I had to create 6 different pages and a language switch myself.

P.s. feel free to test it yourself on my site:

If we use a CMS, let’s say Joomla, you can only choose 1 country in the setting. You can not change country in the footer. Trust me.

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P.s. I already contacted Spreadshirt about this problem almost 2 years ago when I had a Joomla site. Then, they said the plugins will not be updated. (no priority) That moment I decided to change Joomla for HTML, but still I think it’s a pity that the plugins don’t get modernized.

Thomas stated in other posts that Spreadshirt is seeking for more options for shopowners to build up their brand. Well, a perfectly running website on their own domain sounds like a priority to me. Means the Javascript/plugin has to function 100%

Another solution could be, if using Wordpress:
Despite of the proposed solution you could also use WP-Spreadplugin and use the extended shortcode like [spreadplugin shop_language="nl_NL"] on one page and [spreadplugin shop_language="de_DE"] on another. But this is for Wordpress only :slight_smile:

That sounds great too, but my skills are not good enough to figure that out. (never used WP before)

Is there a tutorial for this?

Well, the way how you are setting up the shop for your audience is one usecase but we need to support a dozend others too.
It´s not that the plugin or the shop fails. It´s just not supporting your idea of having a mulitlanguage solution while using an js. integrated shop. It´s sad that we cannot support your favorite solution from scratch, but it is also not a business blocker.

I didn’t say the plugin or shop fails… I just requested/suggested a change. True that I am just one case, but the change I suggested doesn’t hurt anyone.

But, I do not agree that it isn’t a business blocker. I think that customers prefer to shop in their own language and to pay with their favorite method. Methods that Spreadshirt provides, but it isn’t visible in the footer if the shop is set in another language.

I totally subscribe to your statement. Nothing to speak against from my side.
We will have another look onto this matter, but I cannot promise any positive outcome or timeline

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That’s good enough for me Thomas. I always speak highly of Spreadshirt to other people, because it’s a great system. Nevertheless, there is always room for improvements. (like everything in live)

For now, I am thinking of going back from HTML to Joomla, because I am used to that platform. And settings to EU, because most people speak english and use Euro. For paymentmethods I am going to put all banklogo’s in the footer of Joomla for my audience to identify with. Hopefully we (or I) get lucky. (for future changes in the plugins)

Thanks for all the info. Kind regards, AJ


You´re welcome!

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Oh, I am sorry to bother again. I forgot to ask:

You said that WP plugin will be refreshed soon and other CMS in Q2.

What will be the updates in those plugins? (curious) :slight_smile:

There´s going to be an official communication when we have released the WP-Plugin Update (pretty soonish)
For WordPress we’ll improve the compatibility with the latest WP version, increased stability and re-worked dashboard.
After that we will update our other CMS plugins, like the one for Joomla.
That is in scope for Q2. We also have a couple of other ideas, but we want to start with the basic improvements.

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This is rather simple.

Make a new Page and name it like you want.
Open the Code-Tab instead of the WYSIWYG in Editor and copy & paste the Javascript code from yout Spreadshop there. Save the page.

Go to Settings and select this page as the start page.

That’s it.