Page titles and descriptions

Hi, I’ve got the plugin working with each page having it’s own URL, my problem is the pages created by the plugin don’t seem to have page titles. When I look at the top of my browser it shows the correct title of the product but looking at the page source it just has;

404 - Page not found - Stolen T Shirts

When you click on a product page you see 404 at the top of the browser very briefly before the page appears. I’m just wondering if Google is reading the page title as 404 instead of the product name?

My site is:

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Hi Pete,

I would propose to disable the wordpress plugin and put the JavaScript (SpreadShop) directly into your page.

Under “Embed Shop in Website” of your Spreadshop-Settings, you get your personal shop JavaScript.

Switch to “Text” mode in Wordpress editor, then you can paste the JavaScript code into the new page, you’re just creating. Like in the following image:

Then you’ve created a real page in wordpress without getting 404s :wink:

Regarding the problem with JavaScript:
The content of the page is read as callbacks, so the page is rendered, then (later) the shop content is fetched from spreadshirt. As this happens not at the same time, the page won’t have page title and description at the moment as e.g. Google “sees” (has, read,…) the content. The current JavaScript Shop (SpreadShop) doesn’t even modify page title and description after the shop content is fetched, so even the user won’t see the page title and description. That’s why most of us are using the method I proposed to you and use some rudimentary title and description (with a seo plugin).

To answer your question regarding Google:
Google sees the 404 and acts suitable… But, Google can’t read JavaScript content very well, so it won’t read your shop content anyway.

Interesting post about integrating/deeplinking the shop and designer:

If you have further questions, please ask :slight_smile:

Have a nice evening,

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Thanks, so do you think Google will read the titles if I go down the embed route rather than the plugin?
Also using the embed option, is it possible to specify a category or even product in this? I was thinking of creating the category pages in wordpress so I can ad as much content as I want on each of them.


Hi Pete,

I think google can’t read the embed code (the javascript loaded content).
It might be possible to use categories, but I’m not 100% sure, because it’s a new feature of the shop and I didn’t do this before (except for anything else :wink: ). But, if the category has it’s own url in Spreadshop its possible :slight_smile:

Google will read the embeded code. so, you should change the title ASAP!
Thanking You!

Are you talking about the JavaScript loaded Shop content?

Hi, I’ve set up the embed but the pages, each having URLs but when I’ve tried to Fetch as Google in the Google Search Console it just says Temporarily Unavailable so it looks like Google just can’t see the pages. Is there any way around this?


Hi Pete,

yes, It looks like this right?

But because you just have created separate pages, you could fill them with content like introducing texts before the shop javascript and add meta description and title to that pages.

It’s not the non-plus-ultra, but so far, maybe a “workaround”?

Maybe @Thomas_Spreadshop could assist here and tell why some scripts are temporarily not available.


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I forwarded this to our DEVs. Maybe one of the guys can distribute some valueable explanation.
Great support so far, Timo!

@sprd-yves, can you pitch in? Pretty please? :slight_smile:

Hi Thimo, thanks for replying. Sorry I think I’m a bit lost here, so I’ve put the embed code into one page on my sute and it has created the shop within this which creates a URL for each t shirt e.g. Shop - Stolen T Shirts (or a category like this Shop - Stolen T Shirts ) but these URLs aren’t in my Wordpress admin so I’m not sure where I would add a title or description and content etc as per your image above.
Sorry if I’m being a bit slow on this!
Do I need to create a page in wordpress for each T shirt and drop certain embed code t show one T shirt? I was hoping not as I’m not sure how this would work with the links within the spreadshirt bit.


I’ve just done a search on Google for: site: and it has indexed some of the category pages, so that’s some progress, now just need to get some of the content crawlled!

I’ll try to describe better :slight_smile:

Let me say, you create a page for each category. In this page, you post the javascript embed code you’re already using incl. the startToken for each separate category.

So the steps would be following:

  1. Create a new page called “Funny Shirts” which represents a category.

  2. The you add the javascript embed code and the startToken, you already have in your links of your main menu:

    For your “Funny Shirts” category (startToken) is ?q=T288565

  3. The new page content may look like this in Code view:

This is my funnny shirts category page with some text and describing my cool shirts

<div id="myShop"><a href="">266158</a></div>
    var spread_shop_config = {
        shopName: '266158',
        locale: 'en_GB',
        prefix: '',
        baseId: 'myShop',

<script type="text/javascript" src="">

and so it looks like for visitors (I have a different theme, so it may differ from yours :wink: ):

Repeat that for each of your categories and change your main menu (link to the pages) accordingly.

If you did that, you can edit the text content like I did with the text “This is my funnny shirts category page with some text and describing my cool shirts”. Then you have some possibilities to create and add some seo texts for each of the category.

Film T Shirts startToken: ?q=T288566, Satirical shirts: ?q=T288567 (The ones you already used in your current main menu)

Having it all in the same /shops page won’t do it.

Does it help any further?



Well I’d propose to do it for categories :slight_smile:

P.s. I give google another chance to crawl my Spreadshop on a small store, in order to see, if he builds the link structure correct - finally. I am very curious :wink:

This here seems like some proper wiki-material :sweat_smile:

I’m working on it…

Hi, I’ve updated the site with these pages, thanks so much for your help!
Now time to write some content!
I’ll let you know how I get on with getting it all indexed


Yes please share your shop when it’s “done” (as if they ever really are :wink: )!

I love to see a nice looking Spreadshop, oh yeah :spreadshop:

So Google isn’t really indexing the product pages, it seems to like the category pages as I’ve added content to the page as well as the javascript embeded for the category but for products on some of them it shows the proper page title such as:

But you can see from the description it isn’t perfect

Others like this one it doens’t pick up the page title;

Is it possible to just embed javascript for an individual product, so where I have put in the javascrip the category code, use the product code instead? This way I’d be able to create proper content around it for google to spider and have full control over the page title etc,

Hi Pete,

I moved your reply to the correct thread, where we’ve already talked about the integration.

That’s the main problem with the javascript integration, google can’t really index them.

To show only an individual product and until SPRD hasn’t a better solution, you may do it like this:

<div id="myShop"><a href="">266158</a></div>

        var spread_shop_config = {
            shopName: '266158',
            locale: 'en_GB',
            prefix: '',
            baseId: 'myShop'
window.location.hash = "!/an+error+in+judgement+iggy+pop+quote-A116232141";

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Another example:

<div id="myShop"><a href="">266158</a></div>

        var spread_shop_config = {
            shopName: '266158',
            locale: 'en_GB',
            prefix: '',
            baseId: 'myShop'
window.location.hash = "!/you+aint+no+punk+you+punk-A116182646";

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

As you can see window.location.hash contains the last url part of you product if you navigate to it in the browser.

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Really appreciate your help, this will work, I’ll be able to create pages for each of them and add in some content for Google to read. It’s not ideal as I’ll have to create a page every time I add a new product but should actually mean I can get some traffic!
I really think spreadshirt should do something with this, they need to make products visible to Google as I’d imagine most shops won’t be selling much simply because Google will probably only see one page and little content.

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